Zelf heb ik er gedurende de laatste jaren zo’n beetje honderd keer op gewezen. Er is helemaal geen sprake van “bezetting” door Israël van Samaria-Judea, in Palmaffia-propagandataal ook wel bekend als “de Westbank”. Inmiddels zien Trump en Pompeo dat ook. En nu begint het ook in Brussel en Straatsburg door te dringen. Zie deze tweet waarin Lance Forman optreedt. Hij is ‘n Engels pro-Brexit lid van het Europese parlement. Begin december legde Forman in het Europees parlement de onderstaande uitgeschreven verklaring af over de BDS-actie van de EU, die wenst dat Joden van de Westbank hun producten anders labelen dan de Arabieren aldaar. De tweet, via welke u Forman kunt horen, is van Hananya Naftali en het uitschrijven van de tekst is van mij.

“It’s a lie that Israeli settlements are illegal. Disputed: yes. Illegal: no. Israel’s future boundaries were drawn off in the 1920 San Remo Agreement and confirmed by the League of Nations in 1922. No internationally legal binding agreement has ever superseded that. And the Westbank is part of that agreement. It’s never been a separate souvereign state. When the Britisch left in 1948, war broke out between Arabs and Jews and the West Bank was seized by Jordan. But that annexation was never recognized. So when Israel took back control of its land 19 years later in a defensive six-day-war in 1967 it did not cross an international boundary. So those who say that the settlements are illegal are completely misinterpreting article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Two weeks ago the EU passed a law forcing Jewish owned businesses in the Westbank to label their goods differently from non-Jews. This racist law, reminding us of earlier periods in European history, will not lead to peace in the region. The EU should be ashamed of itself to perpetuate the myth that settlements are illegal under international law when that ruling lacks legal evidence. Someone once said: if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”